Teak (Tectona) is a genus of trees in the verbena family. There are three species of teak: Tectona grandis, which is the most common, Tectona hamiltoniana, which is a local endemic species confined to Burma (Myanmar), and Tectona philippinensis, endemic to the Philippines.
Teak originally came from countries in Asia, where the climate consists of a dry season lasting 3 to 5 months and a rainy season with an annual rainfall of 1,500-2,000 mm and temperatures between 22° and 35° C. Tectona grandis has adapted extremely well to Central America and there are extensive teak plantations in Panama and Costa Rica.
The shape and size vary according to local conditions and the age of the tree, in favourable conditions they can reach a height of 40-45 m. The clear bole may reach a height of 25-27 m, although 9-11 m is more usual. Diameter values can reach 240 cm, although 35-80 cm is the norm.
Growth potential for cultivated teak
Source: The management of teak plantations, Julio César Centeno, Phd
Forwood care about biodiversity and the natural jungle flora, therefore, the company today owns about 400 hectares of untouched jungle thereby protected from illegal logging or slash and burn, creating a rich life for all inhabitants of the jungle See the pictures here.
See pictures here.